Welcome to
Piano Partner McLean.
Here at Piano Partner McLean, students experience playing the piano at three important levels:

1The first level, the emotional, is the most important. I take great care to offer my students musically rich pieces that motivate them, they love and allow them to express their feelings. The second part of this is ensemble playing. Each student has a duet partner for the entire year, and together they participate in our annual duet recital. They learn so many musical things. Duet playing is different from solo playing, but most importantly, it starts a wonderful musical friendship.
2The second level is the physical – piano technique. I teach my students to produce a rich free sound by coordinating and integrating every part of the body.
3The third level is the intellectual level. The most important part of this is score analysis and applied theory. I teach my students to dissect their pieces to understand them at a profound level, and they tell me this enables them to learn and memorize pieces quite quickly. The second part of this is sight-reading. Students have daily site reading assignments with fresh material and different styles which enables them to learn music quickly and read quickly. Repertoire ensemble technique and sight-reading music theory are the total toolkits for students to learn music of any difficulty level.